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Coffee Growing Scenery 2019

Data about annual coffee consumption (green or roasted), price indicators paid to producers, wholesale and retail, sector performance and revenue, installed capacity, sector wages, and other data sources.

How to Cite

APA Style 6th Edition: Santana, R. C. G. & Aguilar, F. (2019). Coffee Growing Scenery 2019. Retrieved from https://dadosabertos.info/data/collection_santana_2019

APA Style Guide to Electronic References: Santana, R. C. G. & Aguilar, F. (2019). Coffee Growing Scenery 2019. Avaliable at DadosAbertos.info. Web site: https://dadosabertos.info/data/collection_santana_2019

ABNT Style: Santana, R. C. G.; Aguilar, F. Coffee Growing Scenery 2019. DadosAbertos.info, 2019. Available at: <https://dadosabertos.info/data/collection_santana_2019>.

Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition: Santana, Ricardo César Gonçalves; Aguilar, Fernando."Coffee Growing Scenery 2019."DadosAbertos.info, 2019, https://dadosabertos.info/data/collection_santana_2019


dados_cafe.xlsx (MD5 | SHA1) - 2019-12-11 18:00:00 GMT-03:00

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