Information, Data and Technology

The content of this book is the result of the presentations and discussions at the II Workshop of Information, Data and Technology (WIDaT), held between 27th and 29th November 2018, at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). The WIDaT is a forum for researchers and others professionals involved with the subject of access and use of data, from areas such as Information Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Administration, among others. The event opens space for participation of representatives of the government and private sector, thus enabling the realization of a broad dialogue that makes it possible to operationalize a Brazilian Network of Data Access Research. The second edition was organized by the Graduate Program in Information Science, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), under the coordination of Dr. Guilherme Ataíde Dias, and expanded the results of the first edition of this event (held in 2017), under the Graduation Program in Information Science from Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). The format of this book was designed by Prof. Dr. Ricardo C. G. Sant'Ana, coordinator of the Scientific Committee, and has as essence to gather not only the texts of the papers published in the event but also, to allow access to the other contents generated. In this effort to increase the access and visibility of the great exchange of experiences that occurred during the event, including the contents of the lectures and discussion tables. It is also important to highlight the innovative proposal for the dissemination of videos, slides and transcripts of the speakers' presentations, contributing to the expansion of the possibilities of access and use of the rich content resulting from the various activities of the event. It is, therefore, a milestone in the trajectory of the enlarged publications, especially those related to events.

ISBN: 978-85-67703-05-3


Guilherme Ataíde Dias

Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) | | |

Undergraduate in Computer Science from the Federal University of Paraíba UFPB Campus II (1990), Bachelor in Law by the University Center of João Pessoa UNIPE (2010), Master in Organization & Management by Central Connecticut State University? CCSU (1995), PhD in Information Science (Communication Sciences) at the University of São Paulo? USP (2003) and Post-Doctor by UNESP (2011). He is currently Associate Professor III at the Federal University of Paraíba, where he holds a degree in Information Science. He is involved with Post-Graduation through the Post-Graduate Program in Information Science and Postgraduate Program in Administration, both of UFPB. Has research interest in the following themes: Knowledge Representation; Information Architecture; Information security; Information and Communication Technologies; Health Information; Social networks; Free software; Law, Ethics and Intellectual Property in Cyberspace; Scientific Data Management; Legal Information; He is currently Research Productivity Scholar (PQ) at CNPq.

Moisés Lima Dutra

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) | | |

Professor, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Information Science. PhD in Computing from the University of Lyon 1, France (2009). Master in Electrical Engineering, subarea Automação e Sistemas (2005) and Bachelor in Computing (1998) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. His current lines of research are related to Applied Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Semantic Web, Linked Data) and Data Science (Big Data, IoT). It is linked to the research group ITI-RG (Intelligence, Technology and Information - Research Group).

Fábio Mosso Moreira

São Paulo State University (UNESP) | | |

Undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering (UNESP / Tupã). Master degree in Information Science - (UNESP / Marília). PhD student in the Graduate Program in Information Science (UNESP / Marília). Member of the Research Group - GPNTI (UNESP / Marília) and GPTAD (UNESP / Tupã). Collaborator of the Project Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF). Content editor of the Electronic Journal Digital Skills for Family Farming (RECoDAF). Professional Technical Skill in Informatics from ETEC Massuyuki Kawano - Centro Paula Souza de Tupã. Professional experience in the ERP Information Systems for Logistics Operations. Works with research in Information Science, studying the use of digital resources for access to government data of Public Policies in the context of the small farmer.

Fernando de Assis Rodrigues

Federal University of Pará (UFPA) | | |

Professor at Federal University of Pará. Ph.D. and M.S. in Information Science, Post-bachelor in Internet Systems and Bachelor of Science in Information Systems. Most of his experience is based on works developed as a Full Stack Developer and Database administrator, especially with Python, Java and PHP programming languages, as well as MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3 and PostgreSQL databases. Also, he lectured classes related to the context of Computer Science to undergraduate and graduate students at UNESP. Currently, He workd as a postdoc researcher at UNESP labs, working in data studies.

Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana

São Paulo State University (UNESP) | | |

Associate Professor at the Paulista State University - UNESP, Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - FCE, Campus de Tupã, on an exclusive dedication, where he is Chairman of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of the Graduate Courses - CAACG, Local Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Pedagogical Practices - CENEPP and Local Ombudsman. Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Information Science of the Paulista State University, Marília Campus. Graduated in Mathematics and Pedagogy, Master in Information Science (2002), Doctorate in Information Science (2008) and Freelance in Management Information Systems by UNESP (2017). He has specialized in Object Orientation (1996) and Management of Information Systems (1998). Ad hoc advisor of periodicals and development agencies. Member of the Research Group - New Technologies in Information GPNTI-UNESP. Has experience in the area of ??Computer Science, currently conducts research focused on: information science and information technology, investigating issues related to the Data Life Cycle, Transparency and Information Flow in Productive Chains. He worked as a professor at Faccat Faculdade de Ciências Contábeis e Administração de Tupã, where he coordinated a course of Administration with Qualification in Systems Analysis for ten years and the course of Licenciatura in Computing. He worked in the private sector as a consultant, integrator and researcher of new information technologies from 1988 to 2004.

All Extented Publications

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Support for research data management in libraries: identification of services from the literature

Fernanda Gomes Almeida | Marcos de Souza

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Scientific revolution? Reflections for a Critical Theory of Data Science

Max Melquíades da Silva | Simone Cristina Dufloth

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Research data repositories: investigating its adoption in the Brazilian research institutes

André Luiz de França Madeiro

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Entity named recognition in financial intelligence report

Jairo Santana | Diefferson K. Moro | Rogério de Aquino Silva | Vinicius Faria Culmant Ramos | Gustavo Medeiros de Araujo

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Metadata standards for data description: overview of data repositories in Latin America

Felipe Augusto Arakaki | Ana Carolina Simionato | Paula Regina Ventura Amorim Gonçalez | Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The term Big Data: paradigm break of n-V’s

Marcos de Souza | Fernanda Gomes Almeida | Renato Rocha Souza

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The teaching of e-Science in the context of Brazilian graduate programs in information science

Renata Lemos dos Anjos | Débora Gomes de Araújo

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Data-driven visualizations narratives: Big Data and innovation

Adriana Alves Rodrigues

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Signs and love: an informational strategy to exist on Instagram

Tassyara Onofre de Oliveira | Matheus José Pessoa de Andrade

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Featured entity identification to improve the Link Analysis

Roberto Zaina | Vinicius Faria Culmant Ramos | Gustavo Medeiros de Araujo

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Digital Humanities: visualization of scientific production

Mirelys Puerta Diaz | Edgar Bisset Alvarez | Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregório Vidotti

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Biodiversity data management: applying the Darwin Core metadata standard

Filipi Miranda Soares | Raíssa Yuri Hamanaka | Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos Maculan

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Student evasion and Data Science: first steps of an applied research to the distance learning context of the Centro-Oeste State University

Sandro Rautenberg | Alan H. Costa | Paulo R. V. do Carmo | Renan Augusto Mattos Nutse | Maria Aparecida Crissi Knuppel | Marta Clediane Rodrigues Anciutti

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Copyright + Creative Commons: a solution for academics in the Information Society Era?

Enrique Muriel-Torrado | Rebeca Silva Fernandes de Moura Andrade

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Audiovisual design for generative systems: a customized audiovisual construction experiment

Rafael Moura Toscano da Nóbrega | Valdecir Becker | Helder Bruno Alves Mendonça de Souza | Marianna C. Teixeira

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Technological challenges in the normative reception process: adequacy and compliance from the perspective of the Law of Protection of Personal Data

Andrea Carmo Name Willemin | Geralda Magella de Faria Rossetto | Cláudio José Amante

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The Creative Commons and Free Software Licenses as forms of protection in the shared information society

Maria Carolina Zanini Ferreira | Clarissa Stefani Teixeira | Enrique Muriel-Torrado

Abstract | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Arbovis: a data visualization application on Arboviruses

Talitha Alessandra Medeiros Ribeiro | Larissa de Sousa Moreira Gusmão | Damires Yluska de Souza Fernandes

Abstract | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Sentiment Analysis: identfying sentiment in comments on Humaniza SUS network

Eduardo Alves Silva | Luis Felipe Rosa de Oliveira

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Analysis of the relationship between profile and academic performance of students enrolled in the programming introduction course using classification algorithms

Roberto Silva de Oliveira Júnior | Douglas Valentim de Almeida Cardins | Wenddell Juler Pereira de Lima | Thereza Patrícia Pereira Padilha | Vanessa Farias Dantas

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Data Science based on Aristotelian Common Sense Science: a comparative analysis with the robotics technology

Marcello Mundim Rodrigues | Tereza Cristina Fernees

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Aspects of the data lifecycle in processes of construction of biomedical ontologies

Jeanne Louize Emygdio | Eduardo Ribeiro Felipe

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Personal data privacy in Brazil: tendencies

Rossana Gleucy de Ávila Chagas e Carvalho

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Information and privacy in the General Law of Data Protection

Rosilene Paiva Marinho de Sousa | Fernando Antônio de Vasconcelos | Marckson Roberto Ferreira de Sousa

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The role of metadata in digital curation

Rachel Cristina Vesú Alves

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Authoral protection of data: use of Blockchain

Elizabete Cristina de Souza Aguiar Monteiro | Jacquelin Teresa Camperos Reyes | Elaine Parra Affonso | Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Blockchain thecnology: a new paradigm in the Data Life Cycle

Jailton Cardoso da Cruz

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Open Science: the role of metadata in the knowledge's discovery

Ana Alice Baptista

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Enhanced Paper

Data integration based on ontologies

Maurício Barcellos Almeida

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Enhanced Paper

Digital curation and research data

Luís Fernando Sayão

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Enhanced Paper

Brazilian infrastructure for research data: reflections

Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Corrêa

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Enhanced Paper

Text Mining: the use of unstructured data as input for intelligence extraction

Moisés Lima Dutra

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Enhanced Paper

MPPB: the provision of services to the citizen through the provision of data

Marcos Vinícius Ferreira Cesário

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Enhanced Paper

The management of research data in the context of Information Science Brazilian researchers

Guilherme Ataíde Dias

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Enhanced Paper

Research data and the information professional

Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Enhanced Paper

Information Science and research data

Luana Farias Sales

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Enhanced Paper

The question of IS's identity in relation to the presented scenarios of the data paradigm

Sandra de Albuquerque Siebra | Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana | Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos | Luana Farias Sales

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Enhanced Paper

The emergence of research data in contemporary science

Wagner Junqueira de Araújo | Ana Alice Baptista | Marcello Peixoto Bax | Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Corrêa | Luís Fernando Sayão

| Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Enhanced Paper

FAIR principles as guidelines for maximizing the use and (re) use of research data: Drawing a parallel with the management of digital records

Bárbara Carvalho Diniz | Guilherme Ataíde Dias | Alzira Karla Araújo da Silva

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Data Management Pratices: A review of the term data life cycle

Débora Gomes de Araújo

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Goals, actions and indicators as inputs for data quality analysis: A necessary reversal between consequents and antecedents

Pedro Jácome de Moura Jr | Maicon Henrique Ferreira Aragão

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Absence Forecast in Specialized Care in Public Health Units of Florianópolis

Milena Maredmi Correa Teixeira | Leandro Pereira Garcia | Ingo Ramos | Lucas Alexandre Pedebôs | Douglas Dyllon Jeronimo de Macedo | Gustavo Medeiros de Araujo

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The construction of the data repository of the UFPB: The experience with the dataset of Arboviroses

Pollianna Marys de Souza e Silva | Sandra de Albuquerque Siebra

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Child Pornography: Pedofilia Manuals Analysis

Marcelo da Silva Moreira | Enrique Muriel-Torrado

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The Information Science and education in management and curation of research data

Gracielle Mendonça Rodrigues Gomes | Marcello Mundim Rodrigues

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Scientific Data Sharing Policy: Adoption in Information Science journals

Renata Lemos dos Anjos | Marynice de Medeiros Matos Autran

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Multicriteria methods to aid the decision-making process on real estate projects using BIM models

Bruno Cesarino Soares | Rogério Amaral Bonatti | Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Web Scraping in ResearchID: proposal to the monitoring system of H-index of the researchers in Brazil

Alexandre Ribas Semeler | Adilson Luiz Pinto | Arthur Longoni Oliveira

Abstract | Video Presentation | Video Transcription | Slideshow | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The dissemination of information associated with the zika virus epidemic: A research based on data collected from the Twitter

Guilherme Ataíde Dias | Denysson Axel Ribeiro Mota | André Luiz Dias de França | Eduardo de Santana Medeiros Alexandre

Abstract | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Open Science: the challenges for the conception of citizen science

Luciana Gonçalves Silva Souza | Izabel Antonina de Araújo | Júlia Rocha Ribeiro

Abstract | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

Metadata And Twitter: use of Tweet Object for location identification

Denysson Axel Ribeiro Mota | Gracy Kelli Martins

Abstract | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper

The role of the librarian in the information recovery process

Miriam Cândida de Jesus | Nina Cláudia Mendonça Campos de Miranda | Célia da Consolação Dias

Abstract | Video Transcription | Paper | Enhanced Paper


Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)São Paulo State University (UNESP)Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)Electronic Journal Digital Skills for Family Farming (RECoDAF)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)