e-CoDAF - Digital Skills for Family Farmers Meeting

The E-CoDAF - Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting is promoted by the CoDAF - Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting project. The meeting takes place annually, focusing on the presentation of reflections on proposals for the application and use of Information and Communication Technologies by the rural sector, especially for producers and interested in Family Farming, and has the collaboration of higher education institutions, which increases its visibility and the achievement of results. The papers presented at the event are available in the Proceedings.

VI e-CoDAF - Digital Skills for Family Farmers Meeting

VI e-CoDAF - Digital Skills for Family Farmers Meeting

Approaching the smallholder to accessing and using data: building bridges between their needs and ICT

The VI e-CoDAF - 6th Digital Skills Conference for Family Agriculture presents this year the theme: Approaching the smallholder to accessing and using data: building bridges between their needs and ICT. VI e-CoDAF is promoted by the CoDAF project - Digital Competences for Family Agriculture and focuses on the presentation of reflections on proposals for the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies by the rural sector, especially for small producers. In this edition, it will count on the collaboration of three higher education institutions (UNESP/Tupã, FATEC/Presidente Prudente, UFPA/Belém), which increases its visibility and results reach.

ISBN: 978-85-67703-06-0


Jacquelin Teresa Camperos-Reyes

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | jacquelin.camperos-reyes@unesp.br | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0078-5376 | https://lattes.cnpq.br/5415219564237576

Mestre em doutoranda pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (UNESP), Especialista em Alta Gerência (Universidad Libre de Cúcuta-CO). Graduada em Engenharia de Sistemas (UFPS de Cúcuta-Colômbia). Membro do Projeto Competências Digitais para Agricultura Familiar (CODAF). Pesquisadora do Grupo de Pesquisa Tecnologia de Acesso a Dados GPTAD e do Grupo de Pesquisa Novas Tecnologias em Informação GPNTI.

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