e-CoDAF - Digital Skills for Family Farmers International Meeting

The International Meeting Digital Skills for Family Farming (e-CoDAF) is promoted by the Project Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF). The event takes place annually, with the objective of presenting research and proposals on the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in rural areas, with emphasis on the context of small producers and those interested in the theme of Family Farming. The e-CoDAF is organized in partnership with higher education institutions and the works presented at the event are published in books and scientific magazines.

VII International Meeting Digital Skills for Family Farming

VII International Meeting Digital Skills for Family Farming

Digital technologies and sustainability in the rural field: the importance of data for rural development

The VII International Meeting of Digital Skills for Family Farming (VII e-CoDAF) addresses the theme 'Digital technologies and sustainability in the rural field: the importance of data for rural development'. This edition of the event is promoted by the CoDAF Project in collaboration with four higher education institutions (UNESP, FATEC, UFPA and UEL) and will have its program (lectures and presentations of articles) transmitted online through the Youtube Channel of the Technology Research Group Data Access (GPTAD). Approved papers will be published in book format, and the best will be indicated for publication in the Eletronic Journal Digital Skills for Family Farming (RECoDAF).


The VII e-CoDAF will be held on November 6th, 2020, from 9 AM to 22 PM, local time.


The event will be held in online format with transmission on the Youtube Channel of the Data Access Technology Research Group (GPTAD).

How much?

The entrance is open, but you have to register.

How do I sign up?

Registration is free, but registration must be done for participation.

Paper Submission

Meeting Schedule

Submission Guidelines
Submission Process
  1. The paper should be submitted as an attachment and sent by e-mail to the address codaf@tupa.unesp.br.
  2. In addition to attaching the paper, information about all authors must be included in the message:
    • Full Name
    • E-mail
    • Social Number ID
    • The last academic title, area, and university (Example: Doctor of Information Science - São Paulo State University)
    • The current institutional link
  3. All other communications will be sent by email.
Presentation of the article by video conference.

The Accepted articles will have their presentation disciplined by the following criteria.
Criteria for recording and sending the presentation video:


Período Matutino - Manhã

Período Vespertino - Tarde



Paper presentations



Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
General Support Committee

Still in doubt?


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