The DATA Read is a scientific journal, with open access, which aims to be a diffuser of theoretical and applied studies, coming from areas of knowledge that deal with themes that refer to the theme Information and Communication Technology (ICT), data and their more diverse developments and potential for use.

ISSN: 2763-7875 (Online)

V. 3, I. 2 (2022)



The difference in the illiteracy rate between white and black people in the state of São Paulo between 2010 and 2019: An analysis based on IVS data

Anis Costa dos Santos • Gleiciara Martins De Souza Ribeiro • Sandra Ferreira Beneducci • José Augusto Marins

Being one of the indexes that influence the IVS (Social Vulnerability Index), illiteracy still affects many people in our country. Assuming that the term illiteracy can be used for different situations such as digital illiteracy, political illiteracy and functional illiteracy, in this work we will approach the absolute illiteracy considered by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) as “people aged 15 years or over. age who cannot read and write at least one simple note in the language they know”. The index will be presented showing the percentage difference between white people and black people residing in the state of São Paulo. Public policies aim to eradicate illiteracy in the country, we will address eradication projections as well as various data that influence the difficulty in eradicating this situation.

Pig farming demand and supply: Interpretation of national data

Caio Henrique de Ataíde Francisco, Sr. • Jaqueline Aparecida de Sousa • Fernanda Lacerda Santana • Mariângela Sassá Pereira

This article aims to present the results of an investigation carried out on the demand and supply of pork in Brazil. The most relevant issues about the pig farming market in recent years and the impact it has on the Brazilian economy were analyzed. Data were collected from sources of information on livestock from public bodies such as CONAB. Through the scatter plots, it was possible to identify the current level of production and behavior of national consumption. Finally, the estimated consumption and availability of pork meat over the next ten years was calculated, identifying a high consumption by Brazilians.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic did not work in Brazil

Danielle Rael Gutinik • Vagner Domingues da Silva • Igor Mendes da Silva • Livia Gabriele Dias Soares • Matheus Kendy Onisi Tomo

This article seeks to identify and substantiate how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted unemployment in Brazil during the period 2020-2021. The first effects of the pandemic were manifested in the field of health, leaving scars on society in all contexts, such as economic and social. With that, in this study, we seek to observe the unemployment context in the national territory, and in which moments the pandemic affected the lives of Brazilian workers more intensely. For this, the search for information was established in public agencies responsible for collecting, processing and disseminating data related to unemployment in Brazil, such as the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE in its quarterly publications "IBGE Indicators: National Survey by Household Samples". Continuous”, using tables that analyze unemployed persons aged 14 years and over, in the reference week (in thousands). For the elaboration, three graphs were used that sought to relate pandemic and unemployment, as well as to obtain knowledge about variables related to the labor market, such as informality, admissions and dismissals.

Analysis of homicides of black and non-black women, from 2009 to 2019, by region of Brazil

Kadidja Valeria Reginaldo de Oliveira • Lucas Martim da Silva • Millena dos Santos Ferreira • Isabela Bonan Romanini

The exposed work has the purpose of analyzing the quantity and differences between the homicides of black and non-black women, in the years 2009 to 2019, according to each Region of Brazil (North, Northeast, South, Southeast and Midwest). When analyzing, it is possible to observe that black women are the ones who suffer the most homicides in Brazil and that the Northeast Region is responsible for the largest number of these deaths. Therefore, from reading the article, which has a compilation of information made available by Ipea, it is possible to better understand the data of a social, health and public safety problem that has been perpetuated for decades.

Analysis of peanut culture in the city of Tupã between 2004 and 2020

Gabriel Sanches Carvalho • João Gabriel Pattaro Costa • Ronaldo de Oliveira Elias • Thaís de Oliveira Fregoneze • Wesley Prado Leão dos Santos

The discovery of Peanuts took place in the mid-15th century on the African continent, due to the favorable climate and sandy soil, from which this legume started to be widely used on the continent and later in the world, which is justified by its wide range of applications. , such as in the production of oils or even being able to replace cocoa. In this sense, it is worth noting that the city of Tupã has sandy soil (which is similar to some African regions), which facilitates the production of peanuts. In addition, in addition to this ease of growing peanuts in the region from 2004 onwards, there was an increase in production that continued until 2020 (from 2004 to 2012 production was slightly below the trend line, however from 2013 to 2020 there was a significant increase that surpassed the trend line) which can be demonstrated by several factors that will be addressed in the work, being these for example the planted area and productivity in addition to the emergence of new companies in the field which directly influence production.