

The DATA Read is a scientific journal, with open access, which aims to be a diffuser of theoretical and applied studies, coming from areas of knowledge that deal with themes that refer to the theme Information and Communication Technology (ICT), data and their more diverse developments and potential for use.

ISSN: 2763-7875 (Online)

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic did not work in Brazil

O impacto da pandemia do COVID-19 no desemprego do Brasil (Portuguese)

El impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en Brasil (Spanish)

Você pode acessar o texto completo em Português clicando aqui.

Published in V. 3, I. 2 (2022)

Danielle Rael Gutinik
Danielle Rael Gutinik

Graduação em Administração de Empresas (UNESP)

Vagner Domingues da Silva
Vagner Domingues da Silva

Graduação em Arquivologia (UNESP)

Igor Mendes da Silva
Igor Mendes da Silva

"Sometimes wore a tie. He died at the age of 534 in northern New Zealand, moved there because he fell in love with women's rugby and the ocean, spent his last days with his wife Renata, and their pets, a sheep and a tarantula, both are also called Renata. His only goal in life was to get rich so he didn't have to work, ironically he never got rich and he never worked either" - Renata.

Livia Gabriele Dias Soares
Livia Gabriele Dias Soares

Graduação em Engenharia de Biossistemas (UNESP)

Matheus Kendy Onisi Tomo
Matheus Kendy Onisi Tomo

Graduação em Administração de Empresas (UNESP)

Abstract: This article seeks to identify and substantiate how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted unemployment in Brazil during the period 2020-2021. The first effects of the pandemic were manifested in the field of health, leaving scars on society in all contexts, such as economic and social. With that, in this study, we seek to observe the unemployment context in the national territory, and in which moments the pandemic affected the lives of Brazilian workers more intensely. For this, the search for information was established in public agencies responsible for collecting, processing and disseminating data related to unemployment in Brazil, such as the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE in its quarterly publications "IBGE Indicators: National Survey by Household Samples". Continuous”, using tables that analyze unemployed persons aged 14 years and over, in the reference week (in thousands). For the elaboration, three graphs were used that sought to relate pandemic and unemployment, as well as to obtain knowledge about variables related to the labor market, such as informality, admissions and dismissals.

Abstract (Portuguese): Este artigo busca identificar e fundamentar como a pandemia do COVID-19 impactou a causa desemprego no Brasil durante o período de 2020-2021. Os primeiros efeitos da pandemia se manifestaram no campo da saúde, deixando cicatrizes na sociedade em todos os contextos, como o econômico e o social. Com isso nesse estudo buscamos observar o contexto desemprego em território nacional, e em quais momentos a pandemia afetou a vida dos trabalhadores brasileiros mais intensamente. Para isso foi estabelecido a busca de informações em órgãos públicos responsáveis por coletar, tratar e disseminar dados relativos ao desemprego no Brasil, como o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE em suas publicações trimestrais “Indicadores do IBGE: Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua”, utilizando-se as tabelas que analisam pessoas de 14 anos ou mais de idade desocupadas, na semana de referência (em milhares). Para elaboração foram utilizados três gráficos que buscavam relacionar pandemia e desemprego, assim como obter conhecimentos sobre variáveis relacionadas com o mercado de trabalho, como informalidade, admissões e demissões.

Abstract (Spanish): Este artículo busca identificar y fundamentar cómo la pandemia de COVID-19 impactó el desempleo en Brasil durante el período 2020-2021. Los primeros efectos de la pandemia se manifestaron en el campo de la salud, dejando cicatrices en la sociedad en todos los contextos, como el económico y el social. Así, en este estudio, buscamos observar el contexto de desempleo en el territorio nacional, y en qué momentos la pandemia afectó más intensamente la vida de los trabajadores brasileños. Para ello, se estableció la búsqueda de información en organismos públicos responsables de recolectar, procesar y difundir datos relacionados con el desempleo en Brasil, como el Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística - IBGE en sus publicaciones trimestrales "Indicadores IBGE: Encuesta Nacional por Muestra de Hogares". ". Continuo", utilizando tablas que analizan a los desempleados de 14 años y más, en la semana de referencia (en miles). Para la elaboración se utilizaron tres gráficos que buscaron relacionar pandemia y desempleo, así como obtener conocimiento sobre variables relacionadas con el mercado laboral, como la informalidad, las admisiones y los despidos.

Full text

1 Introduction

Over the years 2020 and 2021, the world faced a new barrier in all human coexistence, COVID-19, identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus ( PAHO BRAZIL, 2020). During this period, the virus spread rapidly around the world, being declared a pandemic state on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization - WHO. Taking worrying proportions in humanity as a whole, in the context of health to the context of the economy and the labor market (COSTA, 2020).
Among so many impacts that the pandemic caused, one of them was unemployment, which, although it already had a double-digit value, grew during this period, with an unemployment rate of 12.6% in the third quarter of 2021 (IBGE, 2022), in addition, there was a ""increase in the informalization of work, outsourced workers, subcontractors, flexible workers, part-time workers and the subproletariat" (COSTA, 2020, p. 972).
With this, this study proposes to investigate the scars of the pandemic in the context of unemployment in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic between the period from the first quarter of 2020 to the third quarter of 2021, since the first contamination occurred at the end of February 2020 (AGÊNCIA BRASIL, 2021), aiming to identify whether the variation in the number of cases of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced unemployment in Brazil (2020-2021).

1.1 Key issue

Did the COVID-19 pandemic influence unemployment in Brazil (2020-2021)?

1.2 Methodology

The methodological process began with the choice of the topic addressed, followed by the search for reliable sources of information that have data on unemployment in Brazil during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021), in addition to other data on After collecting the data, their treatment was followed by the elaboration of graphs, aiming to demonstrate the correlation between unemployment and the number of cases of COVID-19.
Part of the appreciation for the research took place in the identification of materials that address the topics covered in the research, such as the search for information on Unemployment and COVID-19 in other national bodies. Finally, the study discusses in a descriptive and cognitive way about the theme to which it is committed."

2 Development

2.1 Collection

After choosing the research topic, a search was made for data referring to it in reliable sources. Data collected from the IBGE Indicators periodical: Continuous National Household Sample Survey, with quarterly release, with the chosen periodicals from the 1st and 3rd quarter of 2021, which present data from the 1st and 4th quarter; and 2nd and 3rd trimester, respectively. Within the documents, the tables used were “Unemployed persons aged 14 and over, in the reference week (in thousands)”, found on page 14. The data were used to analyze unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The data collected on the contamination rates of the pathology were found on the website Coronavirus Brasil, which was created to be an official vehicle for communication about the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Brazil. The platform has documents in csv format in which data from cases accumulated in Brazil from the 1st quarter of 2020 to the 3rd quarter of 2021 were used.
In order to verify the situation of professionals in more detail, data on the monthly indicators of the labor market were collected on the website of the Institute of Economic and Applied Research - IPEA, using tables 9, 10 and 21, referring to the number of Persons aged 14 or over, employed in the reference week as Employees in the private sector with a formal contract (excluding domestic workers), Employees in the private sector without a formal contract (excluding domestic workers) and those on their own . And to analyze the admissions and dismissals in the period 2020 and 2021, data from Table 5 was used - Evolution of stock, admissions, terminations and balances per month of the New Caged - STRAB/MTP.

2.2 Analysis

The level of unemployment in the country was already growing, which was aggravated during the pandemic, had a relative increase during the third quarter of 2020, a constant peak in the first and second quarter of 2021, and a sharp drop in the third quarter of the year. same year, we can observe something similar with the new cases of Covid-19 in Brazil. Being able to perceive a satisfactory degree of correlation between the unemployment rate and the cases of Covid-19.
Calculating the increase in self-employed people as a percentage of the period July 2020 (lowest value) and August 2021, it is possible to see an increase of 20%. Analyzing the number of people without a formal contract in the private sector in the period of lowest value, June 2020, and August 2021, this growth is 40%. While those with a formal contract, in the same time interval, grew 10% in the period of the second quarter of 2020, there was a drop in admissions, as well as in dismissals, a period in which there was a large increase in cases of covid-19 and the unemployment rate. After that, there was an upward trend in the number of disconnections. While the number of admissions, showed ups and downs, having a growth in general.
The data could be used to investigate the unemployment situation during the pandemic in Brazil (2020-2021) and compare them with the number of new cases of Covid-19 in Brazil and monitor how the employment situation behaved in Brazil. , checking where people were allocated.

3 Unfoldings

It can be analyzed whether the impact of the number of unemployment had any relationship with other rates, such as: the relationship between vaccination and unemployment, and identifying sequelae in the context of work in Brazil, and how this will be reflected in future years.



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COSTA, Simone da Silva. Pandemia e desemprego no Brasil. Revista de administração pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 54, p. 969-978, 1 jul. 2020. Disponível em: https://www.scielo.br/j/rap/a/SGWCFyFzjzrDwgDJYKcdhNt/?lang=pt. Acesso em: 26 jan. 2022.

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INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA. Desemprego. Brasil: 2021. Disponível em: https://www.ibge.gov.br/explica/desemprego.php. Acesso em: 16 fev. 2022.

INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA. Indicadores IBGE: Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua. Divulgação Especial Medidas de Subutilização da Força de Trabalho no Brasil 1º trimestre de 2021. Brasil: 2021.

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