Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Soil analysis as a tool to maximize productivity (V e-CoDAF)

Video of the lecture entitled Soil analysis as a tool to maximize productivity in small farms (V e-CoDAF) by Prof. Dr. Edemar Moro - Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo (FATEC). This lecture took place at the V e-CoDAF - V Digital Skills Meeting for Family Agriculture (2018), with the theme Data Access Technologies for Small Rural Property Management. More information at: http://dadosabertos.info/events/ecodaf

Field scanning: small farm challenges (V e-CoDAF)

Video of the lecture entitled The digitization of the field: the challenges of the small farm given by Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. José Tonon Jr. - JACCAT and Faculties FACCAT. This lecture took place at the V e-CoDAF - V Digital Skills Meeting for Family Agriculture (2018), with the theme Data Access Technologies for Small Rural Property Management. More information at: http://dadosabertos.info/events/ecodaf

Water Security and Decentralized Basic Sanitation through Social Technologies (V e-CoDAF)

Video of the lecture titled Water Safety and Decentralized Basic Sanitation through Social Technologies in the Insular Region of Belém (V e-CoDAF), taught by Profa. Dr. Vânia Neu - Rural Federal University of Amazonas (UFRA). This lecture took place at the V e-CoDAF - V Digital Skills Meeting for Family Agriculture (2018), with the theme Data Access Technologies for Small Rural Property Management. More information at: http://dadosabertos.info/events/ecodaf

Small Farming and Short Circuits of Marketing (V e-CoDAF)

Video of the lecture titled Small Agriculture and Short Circuits of Marketing by Prof. Dr. Armando Lirio - Federal University of Pará (UFPA). This lecture took place at the V e-CoDAF - V Digital Skills Meeting for Family Agriculture (2018), with the theme Data Access Technologies for Small Rural Property Management. More information at: http://dadosabertos.info/events/ecodaf

Estimation of the production of a crop through digital images (V e-CoDAF)

Video of the presentation titled Estimation of the production of a crop through digital images captured by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Prof. Dr. by Gerson Lima Serejo. This lecture took place at the V e-CoDAF - V Digital Skills Meeting for Family Agriculture (2018), with the theme Data Access Technologies for Small Rural Property Management. More information at: http://dadosabertos.info/events/ecodaf


Video of the presentation of work titled DIGITAL AGRICULTURE AND E-AGRICULTURE: UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPTS author of Diana Vilas Boas Souto Aleixo - Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana. This lecture took place at the V e-CoDAF - V Digital Skills Meeting for Family Agriculture (2018), with the theme Data Access Technologies for Small Rural Property Management. More information at: http://dadosabertos.info/events/ecodaf