Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Spreadsheets to assist the Management of Rural Property Inputs

With the purpose of demonstrating the contributions of the use of ICT to manage data in the management of the inputs used in rural properties, a data structure was developed to be used as instrument called "Spreadsheets to assist the Management of Rural Property Inputs".

Agrochemical Toxicity Grade Spreadsheet (Mariana Oliveira Furlan & Patrícia Hoshijima)

The activity aimed at solving the need for a rural producer, and we thought and talked with a rice producer on a spreadsheet to control the toxicity grades of the pesticides used in the production.

Order Tracking Spreadsheet (Ana Clara Palmieri & Rafaela Mendes)

We have developed a very easy and practical solution so that the producer can reduce these losses at the end of the day.

Joint Purchasing Solution for Small Farm Producers Association of Lins - SP (Wellington Vieira & Willian Simplício)

Two simple solutions of collective purchases and control of entrance and exit for an association of Lins - SP

Control of production for a small beginner producer (Fernando Henrique de Noronha & Rafael Shoiti)

This is the production control worksheet for a small beginner producer. After discussing with small producers in our region, we identified some difficulties related to the effectiveness in the productive process that the producer faces when starting his activities in this area. To solve this, we have created a spreadsheet with the aim of helping producers to be more successful in their business.

Cash flow to small farm (Fábio Montenegro Araújo, Lucas Selis Soares & Naiara Aparecida de Oliveria)

Practical management solution for the small rural producer of Tupã, who is unaware of the various management tools made available through technology.