Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Cattle Fattening Control - Integrated Information System (Paula Rodrigues Gaspar & Sofia Souza Guidolin)

Small-scale cattle raising has a low level of management, the vast majority of producers do not have the planning and control to produce the arroba of the ox and can not record the inputs and outputs. Our spreadsheet allows the monitoring of all major livestock production activities and records of inputs and outputs.

The importance of the field book for the organic certification of vegetables (Isabela Gomes F. Pedroso & Sabarrah Maria Jorge)

Hi guys, how are you? This video contains some tips for you, producer, who is seeking organic certification for your vegetable production, but in order for you to achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform some steps with the requirements demanded by the certifier, one of them is to have a notebook of field. We have prepared a template for you, containing all the information, so that it meets your needs and you can obtain certification and reach more and more customers.

Cost control solution for cassava producers (Ana Carolina N. Nobrega & Larissa Kiill Gasparoto)

Explanatory video of the cost control worksheet for industrial cassava producers. Spreadsheet Link: http: //bit.ly/2Me1Vyt

Rural Financing Database (Allan Rodrigues dos S. Marques & Felipe de O. Pezzato)

The program was created in order to facilitate the search for the main Brazilian financing for small producers. It has been developed a form of rapid research, where it is separated by types of production, to facilitate the search. Being that in the table, there is a series of information such as: amount, purpose, interest, etc. In order to make it even more practical. Access link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=B20A0730E7E48607!570&authkey=!AGbLSSyPFyT_cDs&ithint=file%2cxlsx

Id Diseases and Pests (Alanis Mayumi dos Santos & Ana Carolina Jesus Calixto)

The ID Diseases and Pests tool is a simple, practical worksheet that gathers information from studies and research from Embrapa, Agrolink and CPT among other sources for the use of crop pests and diseases identification by smallholder farmers. Being the cultures 4 types of approached: tomato, passion fruit, manioc and carrot. The link to the spreadsheet: http://bit.ly/id_doencasPragas

System to control loss of production in vegetables (Jair A. Campos Neto & Irving Voleck)

Given the specific need of a family farmer of Vegetables, who knows who in their crop activities has losses and is not satisfied with it, a tool (spreadsheet) has been developed to help him control these losses, in order to apply the corrective measures expected at each identified stage of the crop. Click here to download the tool: https://bit.ly/2MdVn2J