Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Management Technologies for Family Farmers (3° CEDIT)

Lecture "Management Technologies for Family Farmers: Business Modeling with Thinking and Canvas Design" - taught by Professor Renata Pinheiro, in which she presented a workshop proposal to work on management practices in small rural properties with the use of information resources in the 3rd Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (3° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on July 8th of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Mobile Devices in Agriculture (3° CEDIT)

"Mobile Devices in Agriculture" Lecture by Victor Ubiracy Borba, showing application options to be used in agricultural practices, in the 3rd Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (3° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on July 8th of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Project management and the role of information technologies (4° CEDIT)

Lecture "Project management and the role of information technologies" - taught by Prof. M.S. Daiane Piccolo, in the 4th Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (4° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on September 2rd of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Information Sources on Scientific Production (4° CEDIT)

Lecture "Project management and the role of information technologies" - lectured by Diana VB Souto Aleixo, in the 4th Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (4° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on September 2rd of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Information Needs of Small Rural Producers and Online Data Sources (4° CEDIT)

"Information Needs of Small Rural Producers and Online Data Sources" lectured by Fabio Mosso Moreira, M.S., in the 4th Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (4° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on September 2rd of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

The MITAPP Inventor as Data Collection Instrument (4° CEDIT)

"The MITAPP Inventor as Data Collection Instrument" - lectured by Prof. Ricardo Rossi, in the 4th Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (4° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on September 2rd of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.