Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Applications of Graph Theory in Data Collection (5° CEDIT)

Lecture "Applications of Graph Theory in Data Collection (5° CEDIT)" - taught by Prof. Dr. Fernando de Assis Rodrigues, in the 5th Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (5° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on October 7th of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Agriculture 4.0 - digital production and the new agricultural business model (5 ° CEDIT)

Lecture "Agriculture 4.0 - digital production and the new agricultural business model" - taught by Prof. prof. Fabiano Neves, in the 5th Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (5° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on October 7th of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Interdisciplinary information dimensions in Family Farming (5° CEDIT)

Lecture "Interdisciplinary information dimensions in Family Farming" - taught by Prof. M.S. Silvia Vieira, in the 5th Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (5° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on October 7th of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Applicability of high spatial resolution images for the early diagnosis of diseases in oil palm (IV e-CoDAF)

Lecture "Applicability of high spatial resolution images for the early diagnosis of diseases in oil palm" - taught by Prof. Freddy Rafael Camperos Reyes (SENA/Colombia), at the 4th Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting (IV e-CoDAF) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on November 10th and 11th of 2017 at the campus: Tupã/SP at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the São Paulo State University (UNESP); Presidente Prudente/SP at the São Paulo State Technological College (FATEC); and Belém/PA in the Department of Archivology of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

The digital exclusion, data, technology and paradigm breaks in Family Farming (IV e-CoDAF)

"The digital exclusion, data, technology and paradigm breaks in Family Farming" - taught by Prof. Dr. Cristian Berrío Zapata (UFPA), at the 4th Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting (IV e-CoDAF) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on November 10th and 11th of 2017 at the campus: Tupã/SP at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the São Paulo State University (UNESP); Presidente Prudente/SP at the São Paulo State Technological College (FATEC); and Belém/PA in the Department of Archivology of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

The ATER and its close link with sustainable rural development (IV e-CoDAF)

Lecture "The ATER and its close link with sustainable rural development" - taught by Prof. M.S. Silvia Vieira (UNIFAI), at the 4th Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting (IV e-CoDAF) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on November 10th and 11th of 2017 at the campus: Tupã/SP at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the São Paulo State University (UNESP); Presidente Prudente/SP at the São Paulo State Technological College (FATEC); and Belém/PA in the Department of Archivology of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).