Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Revenue Monitoring Spreadsheet Small Farm (Julia Maria Defavari & Thais Martins Balbi)

A spreadsheet monitoring small egg producer's recipe, where it will help the small farm to perform his day-to-day activities for profit or loss and find out what the return his investment is bringing. The following link to the spreadsheet where you are located can be viewed and downloaded: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wIID-t-ikM2JPlcmwlh_L1vlqN4oDHOE/view

Financial Control Plan for Animal Production (João Victor Ayres de Almeida & João Victor Gonçalves Pereira)

Spreadsheet developed to meet the demands of producers who need assistance in controlling finances. Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Kly-4Ypcqczfao1WPaW-Bfi3LtKxpktW

Science Fiction and Reality of Data Collecting in Online Social Networks (Black Mirror)

Science Fiction and Reality of Data Collecting in Online Social Networks: an analysis of an episode from Black Mirror. Authors: Dr. Fernando de Assis Rodrigues and Dr. Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana. How to Cite: RODRIGUES, F. A.; SANT'ANA, R. C. G. Science Fiction and Reality of Data Collecting in Online Social Networks: an analysis of an episode from Black Mirror. In: MORAES, J. A.; RODRIGUES, F. A.; PANTALEÃO, N.; PILAN, F. C. (Org.) Thinking and Technology: Contemporary Discussions in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Information. Brazil: FiloCzar, 2019.

Debate Board (6º CEDIT)

The debate board in the 6th Data, Information, and Technology Cycle of Study (6° CEDIT) organized by the Research Group on Technologies to Data Access (GPTAD) with the Digital Skills for Family Farming Project (CoDAF), on May 26th of 2018 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP/Tupã.

The "pigado" dilemma

The Lecture "The "pigado" dilemma" - taught by Dr. Ana Elisa Bressan Smith Lourenzani, in the 6th Data, Information, and Technology Cycle of Study (6° CEDIT) organized by the Research Group on Technologies to Data Access (GPTAD) with the Digital Skills for Family Farming Project (CoDAF), on May 26th of 2018 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP/Tupã.

Work and health in the meat industry sector (6° CEDIT)

The Lecture "Work and health in the meat industry sector" - taught by Prof. Ms. Fernando Mendonça Heck, in the 6th Data, Information, and Technology Cycle of Study (6° CEDIT) organized by the Research Group on Technologies to Data Access (GPTAD) with the Digital Skills for Family Farming Project (CoDAF), on May 26th of 2018 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP/Tupã. 2