Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Water Control and Lettuce Pluviometry (Amanda França Castelli & Thaís Fernandes Modeneis )

Water control and rainfall of lettuce, where the producer will have the option to use an automated spreadsheet. It is possible to record production data daily, with weekly and monthly results for future decision making.

Management Information System Work - Certification for rural producers (Caroliny dos Santos Hamada & João Augusto Rodrigues )

The purpose of this work is to show the producer how the processes by which he can obtain the seal and certification of organic products, with information about the steps, lists of producers that already own the organic product, and the producer that certifies production in the State of São Paulo.

QUICK SEARCH OF PEANUT DISEASE (Júlia Maldonado & Giovanna Lorenzi)

During a survey with an agronomist and peanut producer in the city of Tupã, it was identified that diseases found during planting this crop can be very important if detected early to avoid affecting productivity. A spreadsheet with a database was made for a quick search of the symptoms of the main diseases of the peanut, which makes it easy for the producer to light the curiosities and treatment of the identified disease.

Product mix balanced distribution worksheet (Fernando da Cruz Souza & Abner Edwin Perico)

This worksheet has the function of calculating the distribution of the quantities of the repeated products in the mixes of different suppliers, according to the requests, in order to reduce the difference in the distribution of the stock by supplier and, consequently, to reduce the differences in the invoicing of these.

Control of costs for confinement of cattle (João Marcelo Zambon & André de Araujo Conceição )

Spreadsheet that allows the small producer to control the costs for the confinement of cattle. Showing their spending in the assembly of the cattle diet and providing greater predictability of the future and giving you the opportunity to simulate different scenarios future.

Control of corn and freight input price for small egg producers. (Nataly Assis Amantino da Silva & Elias Takeshi Tanaka)

Hi guys all right? This video explains a bit of how a spreadsheet can help the small egg producer have control over their inputs and control of freight.