Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Seasonality of the Vegetables of the State of São Paulo (Fernando Barbosa Ubiali & Rodrigo Coltro Belzer)

Practical and quick solution for the seasonality of planting vegetables in the state of São Paulo. So that all small producers of vegetables have control of their planting through the seasonality of their product

Rainwater harvesting for irrigation of small rural properties (Leonardo Coutinho & Gabriel Massari)

Spreadsheet (this involves system implementation costs, volume of water that can be captured, savings from installation, and return on investment) that becomes a solution for small producers for the issue [Rainwater harvesting for irrigation small farms]. This theme is relevant due to the great importance of the preservation of natural resources, and the environment, which every day needs a greater attention of all, being a subject also discussed in plenary, where the deputies study tax exemption for producers and residences that adhere to sustainable solutions of reuse and saving of natural resources. Link: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=F4B67D20086C2F0A!333&ithint=file%2cxlsx&app=Excel&authkey=!AB_BGQnNDKyEffg

Self-priming irrigation sensors (Adônis B. Carreira, Rejane F. De Santana & Pedro Marques)

A work formed by students of UNESP, focused on small producers and owners and owners of home to use in their gardens

Spreadsheet Rural Finance (Viviane Perroni & Bruno Polachini)

LINK FOR SPREADSHEET → https://goo.gl/6M9UFt

- We developed a spreadsheet that aggregates information from different banks (BB, Caixa, Banco do Nordeste and Banco da Amazônia) to obtain rural financing for small and family farmers.
- You can know the best program for your type of business so that you can negotiate more clearly with the bank.
is also possible to make a simulation of the total amount of the financing based on the possible value to be borrowed.

Depreciation of Fixed Assets (Rafaela Luiza Medeiros & Mariana Zambon Santos)

In this video we offer a solution for the small farm, related to the depreciation of the fixed assets of a small cattle rearing property, in the form of an easy-to-use worksheet.

Techniques of Harvest and Post Harvest for Small Farm of Vegetables (Alana Beatriz Cardozo dos Santos & Natalia Cristina R. Ferreira)

A spreadsheet offering harvesting and post harvesting techniques was developed for small producers of vegetables to increase the quality and shelf life of the product and consequently the losses in these processes were reduced.