Welcome to the DadosAbertos.info video repository. All videos on this page are publically accessible and may be freely used for research purposes. They have been authorized by the respective authors, but are still under their copyright. For more details about author and copyright, see the descriptions in the videos.

Use of semantic web technologies for agriculture: state of the art and challenges (IV e-CoDAF)

Lecture "Use of semantic web technologies for agriculture: state of the art and challenges" - given by Pascal Aventurier (INRA / France), at the 4th Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting (IV e-CoDAF) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on November 10th and 11th of 2017 at the campus: Tupã/SP at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the São Paulo State University (UNESP); Presidente Prudente/SP at the São Paulo State Technological College (FATEC); and Belém/PA in the Department of Archivology of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

Software Based on Fuzzy Rules for Evaluating Orchid Vitality (IV e-CoDAF)

"Software Based on Fuzzy Rules for Evaluating Orchid Vitality" - by Adriane Cavichiolli (FATEC / PP), at the 4th Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting (IV e-CoDAF) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on November 10th and 11th of 2017 at the campus: Tupã/SP at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the São Paulo State University (UNESP); Presidente Prudente/SP at the São Paulo State Technological College (FATEC); and Belém/PA in the Department of Archivology of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

Precision Agriculture (AP) aimed at smallholder farmers (IV e-CoDAF)

Lecture "Precision Agriculture (AP) aimed at smallholder farmers" - ministered by Prof. Marina Funichello, at the 4th Digital Skills for Family Farming Meeting (IV e-CoDAF) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on November 10th and 11th of 2017 at the campus: Tupã/SP at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the São Paulo State University (UNESP); Presidente Prudente/SP at the São Paulo State Technological College (FATEC); and Belém/PA in the Department of Archivology of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

Pedagiometer Portal Mapping Tool Usage

With the various costs included in the formation of a product, the Mapeia tool allows to set costs related to fuels and tolls, allowing family farmers to calculate more accurately the cost of each product sold, evaluating the viability of production of the crops produced.

Scraping of data on government websites (2° CEDIT)

The lecture "Scraping of data on government sites" by Prof. Dr. Fernando de Assis Rodrigues in the 2nd Cycle of Data, Information and Technology Studies (CEDIT) organized by the Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on June 3rd of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.

Recovering data on environmental education at official government websites (3° CEDIT)

Lecture "Recovering data on environmental education in the official portals of the government of the South American countries" - ministered by Profa. Ms. Maria Laura Foradori (National University of Córdoba / Argentina), comparing the scenario of the availability of data on environmental education in government portals of countries such as Argentina and Brazil in the 3rd Data, Information and Technology Cycle of Studies (3° CEDIT) organized by Digital Skills for Family Farming (CoDAF), on July 8th of 2017 in the auditorium Shunji Nishimura of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering - UNESP / Tupã.